Also visit:In.Con.Eq Hellas

Gelateneo Athens-Χristogeorgos Nikolaos-Gelateneo Athens-Χριστογεώργος Νικόλαος-EMENDATORI VAYRA 1905 RETROGUSTO

Gelateneo Athens-Χristogeorgos Nikolaos-Gelateneo Athens-Χριστογεώργος Νικόλαος-EMENDATORI VAYRA 1905 RETROGUSTO
Gelateneo Athens-Χristogeorgos Nikolaos-Gelateneo Athens-Χριστογεώργος Νικόλαος-EMENDATORI VAYRA 1905 RETROGUSTO

In the showroom of Gelateneo Athens at the facilities of INCONEQ HELLAS, new flavors of ice cream were presented by the exclusive representative of EMENDATORI VAYRA 1905 RETROGUSTO.

The entire ice cream production cycle from leading Italian companies ICETEAM 1927-PROMAG-COLDELITE and IFI SPA.

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